Glass & Water - series image

This is one of a series of green water images I shot in a cold quarry in the UK for the book Glass and Water. It features in Chapter 9, which is all about Hydrodynamics.

The challenge with this particular image was to also capture the freediver's eyes - notoriously tricky when they're shadowed behind a black-skirted mask.

Also used in the promo for the book and published on

Published in The Gazette (John Lewis), April 2016

Location: The NDAC, Chepstow, UK

Photographer: Laura Storm

Glass & Water - series image

This is one of a series of green water images I shot in a cold quarry in the UK for the book Glass and Water. It features in Chapter 9, which is all about Hydrodynamics.

The challenge with this particular image was to also capture the freediver's eyes - notoriously tricky when they're shadowed behind a black-skirted mask.

Also used in the promo for the book and published on

Published in The Gazette (John Lewis), April 2016

Location: The NDAC, Chepstow, UK

Photographer: Laura Storm